Sunday, January 2, 2011

Unblock Post From Farmville

Paris je t'aime!

comment allez-vous? Tout bien?

Well, to pass my French from Kent portraits, even if I did I was in Paris just before "The tourist" looked French. I understood the film but not really, but if Johnny Depp plays along, it's worth it so just have to stare at the screen, right?

Paris was just simply magnifique. Even though I jetzt schon das 3. Mal innert 1,5 Jahren dort war, bekomm ich einfach nicht genug von dieser aussergewöhnlichen Stadt.

Tag 1
Ich starte in den Tag mit nichtmal 1h Schlaf und der TGV hat 2h- Verspätung, nunja, mehr Zeit für die Vorfreude!
In Gedenken an schreckliches französisches Essen beim letzten Paris-Reisli, gehen wir zum Italiener, das obligatorische Bummeln durch "Les Halles" und die Rue Rivoli folgt (endlich wieder New Look, Bershka und Co). Am Abend lauschen wir den Aaah's und Ooooh's vor dem glitzernden Eiffelturm und staunen.

tips: - take coins, otherwise you have to already pull out the metro ticket, the card
-best view of the Eiffel Tower from the Metro station Trocadero
- Shiny Things: on the hour glistens in the evening miss the Eiffel Tower, not
- French food on a budget = rely mostly terrible, Dear on pizza,
Pasta and Co. or at great crepes )


Chantal in front of our Eiffel Tower

conclusion of the first day: Finally! Finally arrived! But the crowd struck a near.

Day 2 shopping
strolling, shopping, we give the pedal:) After the effort the rest follows from the Notre Dame (one of the most beautiful squares in Paris). Our evening: sitting in the cinema with popcorn understand, mini pizzas, and not a word, car chase: we are fleeing from a pretty curly hair, we are still in your mind?

Tip: - For the Rue Rivoli like in the small, "fucked up" look stores, we find
many small treasures

New Look is greeting

Day 3
We stroll stroll through Paris, through the student neighborhood, admiring the rich district and then end up in the Jardin du Luxembourg, eat again at an Italian restaurant. Incredible moments in front of the Sacre Coeur, it must be vacation!
The evening, winter Champs Elysees is magnificent.
We take leave of Paris: the last time look at the sparkling Eiffel Tower

tips: - Do not sit still in the metro, Paris has to be experienced on foot
- To sit in good weather just in a park (eg Jardin du Luxembourg)
and the Paris look

Youri Singer before the Sacre Coeur
is not my recording! (Youtube) Imagine the whole
before with more people, louder and colder, then you have an idea
as it has been around since.
precisely because of such moments, I love Pari s!

Day 4
We pack cram our bags, buy a food and make our way towards the station, towards Lucerne. Due, we celebrate our great vacation on the train with tiramisu, chips, biscuits and toast with a little wine or equal to the new year and hopefully many more holiday together.

retrospect I wish you have a great new year, may go your dreams come true!
Bisou, Reeger


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