Friday, December 31, 2010

How To Cook A Boston Butt Pn The Egg

customers should be: ...

... verständnisvoller und ohne Vorurteile ?

Monday, December 27, 2010

How To Trade Pokemon On The Vba For Pokemon Gold

The Christmas season ...

are behind us, my husband is allowed to work between the years and today I first eliminated the chaos of paper and dish ...

Now erstam the photos coming from our Gnome Made!!
It was so still got time on 23 here. It also had a long way from Austria back down. We have had even more open in the afternoon. Unfortunately I was not yet come to stop the pictures ...
As a small compensation there are a whole series! Rieke was happy mad. A doll was immediately moved out to attract the new stuff. The Duplo-pack extended their "chicken farm" and was also well received. I thank you again very much for the beautiful things about our elves Claudia Mutti!
So, now but the pictures: (The talk, I think, to himself)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Regular Cab Silverado 12 Sub Box

module fashion photo

Hello dear ones,

Finally, finally I thought I'd get more than 5 hours sleep and tell you now total recover what we have done at the art school the last two weeks Sun

happy that I could visit my favorite for "fashion-photography" actually, I went in the first week, becoming a disused piece of clothing to change into a new order. The result is the following:

stock sale Rock, Gr. 46 -> Dompteurobertei l


In the second half of the first week, we then divided into two person groups and enhances our creations and connected so that could develop a unified approach. I love and Rhea have chosen the theme of the circus.
The next week was spent pondering, organize, count, making things to spend money and try out. We definitely had our fun but so exhausting was the college not long ago. For just before the holidays again to lay into stuff that really tugged at the nerves.

small model in the foreground

The whole thing is slowly taking shape:

And now I'll show you realize the results that our little fucked up circus, as we called him affectionately:

A big thank you to Gina for the great hairstyles and the Make-Up, to Felix for the support, tips, and the equipment, but also to all others who have helped us to achieve:)

Grüessli, your Steffi

Saturday, December 25, 2010

What Can You Do For Shrinking Lungs

Merry Christmas

Hello dear ones,

Well how are you? Do you have the holidays enjoyed with your family and friends?
I had two wonderful days I spent with my Mom, Babi, brother, Grandma, Grossdädi, Grosi, as well as short with my godson and his parents. Christmas is just wonderful

Now I finally enjoy my well-deserved vacation, because in the last two weeks we have at the art school toiled really wildly, more but until tomorrow:)
Now I'll only once cozy place in my bed, I snuggle in my eight and five blankets and pillows to sleep when there's no tomorrow. Because I have to be fit for Tuesday, dann geht es nämlich nach Paris

Coeur de Pirate - Mange ta ville

Bis morgen meine Lieben,
Bisou Reegen

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

All Nighter Stove Problems


Seit Montag bin ich stolzes Gotti (sorry, Patentante ;) ) vom süssen Lio!

Lucky - Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat

soon back more of me:)
Grüessli Reeger

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

More Sensative When On Period?

Imp Made ...

is somehow at ease, the worm in it ...

The package that I sent ages ago, is still "wandering".
I'm so sorry for our elf child, but we were really good time ...
Well, with "Petra" the "Snow Monster" has probably expected to become a flight, train or post ...

is equally with us until this day has not arrived ... Well, that
the Lütte with 2.5 years is not yet know how straight. Well, by Christmas are still a few days ... And who knows, maybe also through the pack, the "snow monsters" attacked and it freezes somewhere on the streets of Germany ...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Platypuses For Sale And Where

For whom are "services, achievements and qualities" important (it) - for you or ...?

Mögliche Teil- Antworten können sein: ...


"Can a man in a long process, experience that he never considered the child that he was, but for its services, achievements and qualities" has been loved, "that He has sacrificed his childhood for this "love", so it will lead to the large internal shocks, but one day he will feel the desire to stop such advertising. He will discover in himself the desire to live his true self and not any longer have to earn love, a love which it basically leaves it empty-handed because it is the false self, has begun to abandon it. "(Miller 1979: 94)

Excerpt from

"The Silence of the Lambs - Audio Book "

Part 3 / 21:

from 4:15 minute: Lecter character ized Starling
In Part 15/21:
http:/ /
is ... 'the deep pain' of Starling named.

PS: If
be 'locked' the videos now, so the
the passages
as read on the website of # com

"Who the invasion of other species allow feelings developed, false fears and false desires, false expectations and false needs (addictions, obsessions, desires, ambition, false) arrogance, arrogance, bigotry. , megalomania and religious and political fundamentalism are caused by foreign rule "

source link. C3% BChle_75134373.html


In this sense:

All the best for your feeling rich insights! :-)


Ferris Wheel, Home Depot

Ulla now for me too ...

I just give it a real creative boost ...
It's nice when everything was off the table ...

On WE, there was a ULLA (of Mamu) for me. Since the neck is quite big now, I've made a matching scarf ala Jersey Frans Farbenmix it.

Then I tried it once Loveli (of Mumm's) for me. Since the "winter cherries are not stretchable, the part is a bit tight obenrum. So the next time a larger number, or stretchy Stoff.

Fürs Tochterkind ist dann noch ein Pullover ala ANASTASIA (von Cinderella Zwergenmode) entstanden.

Mal sehen, was als nächstes kommt....

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Gloryhole Sacramento Ca

Ulla and profit ...

Ich habe Gewonnen! Beim Farbenmix Adventskalender!!!
Gestern bei mir angekommen, sind diese Glitzersteine von Nähpark!
Vielen lieben Dank noch einmal!!!!

Dann kann ich endlich mal wieder etwas fürs Tochterkind und auch den Rest der Familie nähen...

Gestern ist als erstes eine ULLA aus dem tollen JANEA Jersey entstanden.

Another thing great, but it fits more ...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

At What Temp Will The Pipes In My House Freeze?

I have done ...

unfortunately not quite, but it's Christmas in sight ...

Yesterday I started the last new production this year. Tanja Yes, finally I'm here ... But still had to order something for it. You must then press all fingers crossed that it will finish before Christmas.

also got a pack of what I say, a package of Aunt Ema sooooo many substances, so I sew in the new year for the next neat new markets, etc can. Matching colored bias binding, lace and frills are waiting on ...

Dann muss ich Euch noch eine ganz besondere Mütze zeigen, die mir sehr am Herzen liegt. Sie ist für ein Frühchen, extra von mir verkleinert worden. Beim probieren habe ich festgestellt, dass sie unserer Puppe passt. Leider schläft Puppa noch friedlich mit Tochterkind im Bett. Darum gibt es das Bild später...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Lorena Herrera Enquerada

learning with the "knowledge pyramid"?

outlined in his presentation and explained Prof. Dr. Karam Khella the "knowledge pyramid".

What is it about this pyramid ?

Well, it all starts with the (study or school) trade - or the professionalism, or department:
One wants to study mechanical engineering, psychology and the other in turn, another biology
and the other agriculture - from the large number of subjects , about a million, are taught today, to learn in a professional a subject-knowledge can.
we go out of approximately one million subjects, the question arises whether there are one million methods? No, there is no one million methods ; they are limited in comparison to the over 1 million subjects to a small number ; even manageable because you can use either method for different Science (Impirie ,...). "in psychology, sociology, history ... and the" experiment "in physics, chemistry In view the fact that the expertise by the deeper level (the "methodology") is mediated - should not there be puzzled and ask: "What, and that's it?"

" No, I am not responsible ," says the doctor to sociologists and historians to turn the sociologist - and yes, that makes me suspicious.

Is this sentence ("No, I'm not responsible!"), The expression of alienation - if you're so fixed on one subject area and therefore allow discussion of other issues can not / will?
reason is the "Only-specialization" Based on the "fragmentation" of knowledge; because the broad spectrum of sciences missing , connects all the and therefore the view of the total (not more) possible!
"People no longer see the connection: the work of his, the whole" and that has (hopefully) not a system but is more random?

So where is the specialist knowledge actually : Only from the level the " methodology, or even from a deeper level (the science + theory) - and that's it (? )
Yes, but! What would be a knowledge economy theory: without knowledge (the epistemology)?

And you know (yet) the "micro- and macrocosm " - dine level, from which we obtain our knowledge?
Are we in the streets of our city, we gain knowledge. We leave the city limits and visit another, we are gaining new insights. we moving across national borders, allows us (for example, come in which we learn about country and people in contact with another culture, etc.) of the visit to another country will rely on further, even completely different insights. But they (the micro-and macrocosm level) is not the last level: über ihr regiert die Anschauung, wie wir die Welt + Gesellschaft sehen (
bewerten , beurteilen, ...) und welches Bild wir über unsere Mitmenschen haben : ein menschenverachtendes oder ein liebevolles, wohlgesonnenes? Menschenbild.

Und wenn Sie jetzt der Meinung sind, Sie wüßten schon alles, bleiben Sie überrascht , welches die allerletzte -die tiefste- die übergeordneteste Ebene von allen ist :


Other suggested links:



: available knowledge or contextual knowledge

"link? "knowledge society vs. Society of the (undigested) information, context knowledge as contextual knowledge rather than instrumental knowledge "?

Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Dürr , internationally renowned nuclear physicist and winner of the Alternative Nobel Prize in 1987, spoke on 28 May 2002 in the Great Lecture Hall of the Institute of . Engineering Mechanics (Technical University Clausthal), as part of the seminar on dialogue between science and theology
His topic : "We do more than we realize - Scientific knowledge and experience of reality"



Monday, December 13, 2010

Recipe For Bombay Saag

Something is not there yet?

Hallöchen my friends,

long time I told you nothing shown by my study of art, but now have to serve her again :) After the modules have
wood and metal, I spent the last week with photography.
Together with two Gspändlis was created the following project. Something is not there yet?

Grüessli, your Reeger

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Boat Steering Connect Kicker Motor

Today 12% on everything ...

Heute gibt es in meinem Shop 12% auf alle Artikel!

Da ich am Samstag meinen letzten Weihnachtsmarkt für dieses Jahr hatte, werden auch noch so einige neue Artikel in meinen Shop wandern. Habt aber bitte etwas Geduld mit mir, ich darf die alle noch fotografieren...

Friday, December 3, 2010

How To Let Guest Know Invitation Only

Everything i own

Everything i own

You sheltered me from harm. Kept me warm, kept me warm.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Watch P90x Movie Online Free

Which company produces the computer?

An interview with sociologist Dirk Baecker, author of "Studies in the next society" and "Form and forms of communication":