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tonight shiny horn French horn musicians Stefan Dohr |
playbill of: Helge Jung
happily into the night, ah! Alone, had to be so pleasant?
really looking forward to tonight's tracks, but - I did not think tonight turned out to be an auditory feast of life. More out of the hands of a ticket sold at the concert hall to approach the door.
the person sitting next to me continually grateful for this ticket I sell him, and said he is also a musician, and very eager to hear tonight's concert. I asked what instrument he plays? He replied that he was a singer. No wonder - he was so looking forward to this evening is an exquisite vocal beauty of tone.
曲目組合很有意思,這也是看了節目單才意會。Hugo Wolf 是一位辛辣尖酸的作曲家。與同年代的Brahms誓為宿敵,十九世紀的維也納樂界象徵性的兩大陣營。而馬勒則是超脫這兩大陣營卻同時被人們尊敬的作曲家。馬勒的音樂不僅僅告別傳統,同時走出一條定義新時代的音樂道路。今晚曲目組合還有一個共同特色:三首樂曲都側重聲樂(獨唱與合唱:女高音、女低音、童音)、重用豎琴和法國號。
Berlin Philharmonic conductor: Simon Rattle Rattle
Johannes Brahms Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Es tönt ein voller Harfenklang op. 17 Nr. 1 complete harp sound
Hugo Wolf Wolf (1860-1903)
Elfenlied lyrics from Shakespeare's "Midsummer Dream"
Gustav Mahler Gustav Mahler (1860-1911)
Symphonie Nr. 3 d-Moll Third Symphony
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1907 concert posters |
this symphony was originally called "summer afternoon dream Sommermittagstraum", which get a glimpse of Mahler's heart, he divided into six parts of this song:
1. Summer stride forward and awaken the consciousness of the season.
2. The grass tell me what the flowers.
3. Forest animals to me what to say.
馬勒知名第三號交響曲無人不知無人不曉,但是還要一個拉圖,才完整地呈現馬勒所有綿綿無盡的愛意、怪誕、痛苦、深沉。特別是首段結尾的鼓聲的狂野,幾乎可媲美Hard Rock.
boiling the audience tonight, and also have never seen all sides of the audience stood up, clapping three times, three Xie field for tonight's feast of joy grateful cheers!
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