Hello dear ones,
Who has not? Since one is during the holidays, the camera ready and switched on it like crazy to go and every beautiful detail to be recorded. But what happened to the photos when you're back home? Most of the photos end up, thanks to advent of digital photography, somewhere on the PC and will not look more often.
As part of a project at the School of Art, I would now appeal to you to show me your holiday photos. Be it in a mail (reegen-fashioned@hotmail.com) or via blog post.
Which photos you want to get back out of the woodwork? On which hang great memories and are worthy to be published?
So off my friends, rummages through your folders and show me your favorite vacation photos!
- Choose one or two pictures of and read about this: first
When and where this picture was taken?
second I dieses Foto ausgewählt, weil...
- Verfasst dazu wenn ihr mögt einen Blogpost und taggt andere Blogger
(Vergesst nicht, das Vorgehen und die Rahmenbedingungen zu posten!
Gerne dürft ihr auch das Logo verwenden!)
schickt mir eure Fotos per Mail an reegen-fashioned@hotmail.com
- Diese Aktion läuft eine Woche, bis am 23.02 !
- you should see in the photo are
- The photo is on vacation were
- It should have been recorded digitally
- The photos are later re-used, so
send the photos only, if you are agree!
Grüessli, Steffi
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