Dubai City |
2008 年 3 月 5 日 Thinking in Excerpt an article entitled "Der Spiegel" Special Report: "the day after the country Das Übermorgenland" not talking about the UAE, but my five-day visit to Dubai. Because the West and the world to see Dubai dumbfounded.
Emirates Air Bus 380 Double Decker |
Burj Khalifa |
is not it crazy? That was three years ago, the dazzling light. Dubai in 2011 it? Still bright, light but no longer. Media last year, had 101 full time for the world in Dubai, the tallest building Burj Khalifa was no lack of funds to the continued construction of the crisis. Although State funding to assist neighboring Emirates completed the highest in the world is so Abu Abu Dhabi Dhabi Khalifa chiefs were named. But this off Dubai put out the light.
Dubai Mall |
into the Dubai Mall, go to the bookstore to buy a book "Dubai Mini Visitor's Guide mini-guide book." Dubai Mall is the mall in the world. Area covered, and construction materials of the fine, beautiful, elegant design, unmatched global market. Full of the world famous fashion design brand. Seeing the local women go into a dark hood, even bought a mini Dior's loaded, it really surprised, she – 穿上迷你裙裝繼而披頭戴褂一身黑嗎?
"Guide book" Tell me, input from the seventh century Muslim Middle East region, Saudi Arabia. Arab military force to defend the Kingdom and spread the teachings of the Koran. Then the large tracts of land also accepted Turkey, Mongolia, the baptism of the Ottoman Empire culture. After the Arab kingdom, Britain and Portugal began to notice this piece of land. Because this region is Europe and the natural bridge between India, but also an important way to resist the pirates. The British Empire in 1820 wiped out the pirates smooth, then the conclusion of security alliances with local rulers. Then the whole region have received protection of the British Empire in 1892, based on the conclusion of peace, so in the history of the region known as the Trucial States 或Trucial Coast(Truce 和平之意)。這個稱呼一直流傳到1971年結束。1968年英國宣告區域性的撤退。阿聯酋國(包括首大酋國Abu Dhabi、第二大酋國Dubai、Bahrain、Qatar等七個酋國)正式成立。
Old town Deira |
Wow! Wooden boats - back to the pirates age?! |
A ferry boat trip to Gold Souk |
Speices Souk |
Weiherauch |
left is sulfur, the right is pigment dyed jeans |
shops selling Arab men's scarf |
the Arab nation is the world's favorite for gold in the population |
Kanazawa yellow glare, it is dizziness |
night Deira Old Town Street |
addicted sheep avoid pigs, poultry but also preferred, good one's naked |
candy store |
1958 in Abu Dhabi found huge oil reserves, nearly 10% of global oil production. Then in 1966, to trade with the country have also discovered oil fields in Dubai. The chief was committed to oil fields of economic and social wealth for the benefit of the infrastructure, that is, I see today the scale of the modern state.
not a place the world can produce such a sharp drop in population boom, or the phenomenon, and a small, Dubai has experienced such a dramatic impact. 20 years ago, Dubai's oil production accounts for 50% of national income, up to 2007, only 3%. Modified to a full trade, transport, construction, real estate, financial services and tourism holding its national, population dropped as much as half, the same means that the sharp drop in consumer spending. Therefore, the "Dubai bubble" is a very alarming phenomenon worth watching.
今天說80%的人口是外籍人士。在杜拜這的確是一個有趣的現象。放眼望去,很難看到一個本地人,外籍人士裏印度人是大多數,來自東南亞的也不在少數。這些外籍人從事各種行業,其中不乏高階管理。而政府公職則被本地人壟斷,所以印度人嘲笑本地人官員漫無效率,特別是入境安檢過關時的大排長龍爲人詬病。沒有技能的本地人也可能從事低階工作。譬如司機,我下榻酒店的巴士司機是一名埃及人,他說他月入2000Dirham,但是本地人同樣從事司機一職,則可拿到三倍以上的工資。這説明了兩件事實:1.這個國度招攬外籍人士僅在「人力利用」2.融合在這個國度根本不是議題。這非常有趣,本地人不介意也不敵視外籍人,因爲他們僅是貢獻勞力、腦力。融合也不是治國制度的任何一環,因爲外籍人幾乎不可能得到入籍許可。這樣,這個地方根本不存在「外籍歧視」的社會問題,反觀歐洲卻一直是治國隱患。雖然杜拜沒有外籍歧視的問題,杜拜的繁榮在危機過後就迅速隕落 – 外籍撤出。那個地方不提供任何外籍「根」的潛化意識。
昂貴的海灘酒店Jumeirah Beach Hotel |
Jumeirah Beach Hotel |
do like the mysterious veil of the Arab culture is so beautiful and disappear hide? Not entirely, desert, belly dancers, hookah, tents, a tourist program. Participated with a group of Indian friends called "red dunes desert safari adventure of red desert sand dunes," Picnic, stimulating adventure. First, take the big bus finally drove to the desert about an hour, the number of vehicles Toyota land cruiser waiting, call get land cruiser, and then began a period of fast dunes like a roller coaster ride. Takaoka arrive before sunset, an empty red desert, nostalgia to popular views came over. Then visitors are set to a tent area, camel, pumping smoke, eat buffet, watch the belly dancing. Is indeed a lovely atmosphere of the Arab experience.
dunes coaster adventure, fast dive |
sunset flush half of the sky |
a mound of Luo |
Desert nightclub |
close from the camel in the desert, far away from Western civilization |
bound to a black women's ancient culture, ancient civilization that is also the cradle of one of the most sexy? |
朦朧月光下,帳篷裏享受一夜水煙 - 呵!沙漠激情! |
一個下午我搭乘酒店巴士去Jumeirah Beach Hotel的海灘逛逛。巴士司機就是我說的那位埃及人,我興奮地與他談埃及的和平革命和和平之火燎原之勢。用濃濁的英文他對我說,月入2000Dirham根本也不夠養家。在開羅住著他的妻子和兩個兒子,一個12歲,另個才14個月大。埃及的軍人勢力向人民靠攏才是革命成功的主因。他說腐爛惡劣的警察制度壓迫人民,這些警察才是埃及人民的大患。他對埃及警察面目的描述,讓我直接對應聯想到中國的國保(便衣警察)。他說:『我來此地五年了,過得是什麽日子?孤苦伶仃一人。可是在開羅根本找不到工作!終於獨裁Mubarak下臺,我要回家,我要跟我的同胞重建家園!』下車時,我深深地看著他,對他說:『I love Egypt! 』
back to Dubai - I thought: here I will not repeat business.
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