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Tunisia uprising to overthrow the dictatorship: a demonstration license notice "Have you ever seen a president who treats his people like idiots!!!" |
avalanche of news reports: Tunisian President Ben Ali has been refuge to flee to Saudi-Arabia. Tunisia bloody protests after 23 years as the President of Tunisia Ben Ali resigned and fled Tunisia by plane on Friday and went to Saudi-Arabia asylum.
above photo is from Der Spiegel Online (Spiegel-Online). Protest sign read: "Have you ever seen a president who treats his people like idiots!!!" (Have you ever seen any of his people as the president an idiot?).
Tunisia must reply to the protesters: 『there! I've seen! Heard this only changed one word, the "president" into the "government": 『you ever seen a government to his people as idiots? 』. The difference is that the Tunisian people stand up and roar!
下面這篇新聞來自德國之聲中文網(Deutsche Welle):
(據法新社消息),在中國各大網絡間引起爭議的“河南農民持偽造軍車牌照拉沙子案件”最終塵埃落定。 河南平頂山中級人民法院以詐騙罪判處時劍鋒(音譯)無期徒刑。
這位河南禹州的農民利用偽造的兩套軍車牌照拉運沙子,以達到免費通過高速公路收費站的目的。 他在8個月內“免交”了42萬歐元(約合386萬元人民幣)的過路費。
incurred the sentence of the Internet users of this "high price" had questioned road fee: 8 months when the blade in the course of the operation of the sand 20 million profit, and tolls will have to pay more than 300 million.
parties from the German media reports, can be summed up the reasons for the Tunisian people roared:
1. 在沙哈拉的酷刑監獄:
2. Murder and government "dissidents"
different from the despotism of Lenin Rosa Luxemburg criticized for "dissidents" for political freedom, and the Divine from 1949 to now how many "dissidents" wandering spirits of the dead? Qin, or be condemned to prison, torture.
3. Serious corruption
4. 失業率已達13%,大多數是年輕人
5. Price increases
What is more serious of all the unemployed have no income, but also face rising prices! Recently saw the price even higher than in Hangzhou prices in Boston, is astounding!
Tunisian people cry out! Shenzhou it?
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