Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Buy Tooheys Old United States

歐盟:美麗的家園 Herrliche Heimat

French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel women

twenty years since unification, Europe is not so divided as it is now over. This model of the euro was introduced in the EU, everything shows the sentiment of human dignity: the European family, selflessness. Have always been disputes, bitterness and never stopped, but the differences have never not now – 好像,德國人不愛歐元了;好像,被撤掉的馬克突然令人無限懷念?

德國人跟盎克魯薩克遜人的確很不一樣,就在柴切爾夫人、雷根時代自由放任經濟大行其道之時,德國人相對地顯得愚鈍固執,也總是被盎克魯薩克遜同儕譏笑嘲諷。雖然接下來施洛德時代也抓著自由放任的尾巴,終究爲了「2010議程」被選民以選票甩出執政團隊。德國真正面臨金融危機在2008/2009,不斷地「舒綑政策」徹底動搖了德國人對政治的信心。然後搖搖晃晃進入2011,本來以爲危機年負成長的,竟然創造3,6%的成長率?!接著還為2011年作出2,6%成長率的預估。這 – 真真跌破所有人的眼鏡,卻也符合早在二年前《新聞周刊Newsweek》不可置信地報導德國一心一意發展重工業,完全與英美各國背道而馳。機械 – 終究是德國人的最愛,因爲它是德國的傳統,也因爲它摸得着、看得見,不似空泛懸疑的金融產品紙張。所以,德國的刷新成長率來自出口機械汽車到新興經濟體,譬如中國、印度。

but - the good news has nothing to do citizen of German society and political confidence in the once shaken, it is difficult to restore. Also, Angela Merkel from the bones is not a vision of political figures. Her 2005 major league with the SPD Social Democratic Party, sat on the throne for SPD policy. When the Social Democratic Party CDU Christian Democratic Party recognizes the value of all policy, people also need the SPD it? Moreover, Hartz IV Social Democratic Party policy thoroughly so that the loss of disappointment and misguide. 2009 Social Democratic Party became the opposition party, suddenly pounced days of FDP 14.6%, Liberal Democratic Party, buttressed by public support, joint CDU Christian Democratic Union party set up black and yellow. Trick Merkel sat on the throne for the Liberal Democratic Party policy, and became a tragic story of the current German society, nothing scandal again and again!

special love of the throne, not a political vision of Angela Merkel, the EU may be interested in how? She wants votes, not the European Union. So sprinkle gold to neighbors, annoying things people will not risk her. If so, jarringly off as much as possible against the euro, against Greece, against Ireland, Portugal, Spain – 要默克爾撒金子,讓她選票泡湯?如何也不可能。所以老一輩的人都看不過去了。前總理施密特Helmut Schmidt出來發話:『放眼看去,歐洲目前唯一有政治遠瞻的人,大概只有盧森堡總理,歐盟主席Jean-Claude Junker』。最近科爾Helmut Chancellor Kohl came out a unified speaker: 『national policies such as military service, national construction, social insurance is not a man wearing jeans, pants narrow popular this summer, next fall』 popular wide (although this criticism related to internal affairs, has nothing to do with the European Union). Even the President can not help but severely criticized the European Union: 『simple-minded woman prime minister (simples Denken)』。默克爾無動於衷,最後《明鏡周刊》乾脆把歐盟主席Jean-Claude Junker找來直接詢問,到底歐盟債券對德國人有啥好處?(明鏡周刊2011年1月24日)



歐盟:美麗的家園 Herrliche Heimat (Deutsche Version)
"Der Spiegel" 50/2010 journals, authors: Dirk Kurbjuweit

why the Germans need Europe?

the best situation for Germany is Angela Merkel stepped down - not now, but other European Council President Van Rompuy (Herman Van Rompuy) term ends, and that is one and a half later. Then, the work of Angela Merkel should succeed him. Germany could have come to power by another person, Merkel went to Brussels to work on her home is more important. Prime Minister of the Federal woman can prove that she attached great importance to the EU, with the most appropriate way to take seriously the European Union.



Merkel also knows how grateful, but she did not experience the war. This need not be. Germany should not forget the generosity of neighbors, the wind, but 60 years have passed, they can operate self-serving policy of indifference. So today's perspective, what is Germany's interests?


"West" - was referring to Western European countries, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and home to leading the United States. Now the leader of the regional composition of the United States is not interested. Since then, China began to grow and grow and grow, a new form of dualism: two competing superpowers, but also with each other to find a balance. Military confrontation with the Soviet Union but the dualism is different is the relationship between the United States with China does not need a military alliance, the participation of other countries, soldiers, tanks, combat aircraft or deployment area. Therefore, the United States really is no longer a German trans-Atlantic choice.

Federal Republic of Germany was born in the West later. Before 1949, the Germans do not want to participate in any alliance. They suspect or even hostile to Lishixuejia Heinrich August Winkler, in his great book "Western history" so-called "two Atlantic Revolution norms." Say that the Americans and the French in 1776 as in 1789, the principles of democracy and democratic struggle by the revolutionary: "commitment to popular sovereignty, separation of powers, rule of law, human rights." All of these are the Western powers after World War II, West Germany imposed defeat.



依循自己國家路徑的道路根本不存在。在前總理施洛德(Gerhard Schröder)時代,呼籲德國乃是歐洲中部政權,但這是很久以前人們還沒明顯意識到,中國崛起如何改變了世界。單凴「歐洲中部」的政治意識完全行不通。因為中國那麼大,而且仍然繼續成長,相形之下所有其他單一國家就兀自弱小了許多。政治操作開始必須從另個層次著手,那是13億人口的規模,而且是由對資本主義的承諾而驅動。德國只能透過歐盟的操作產生政治影響力,且即便如此也不是一件容易的差事,因為中國和美國之間的互動越來越強大。

the German economy is strong, it may go its own way. Thought they were the best, fearing the other person from the German people what the benefits of no reason, it is generally consistent with the idea. It is true that we once again among the best. German products so good, so buy the world, especially China. However, this success is bound to cause dependence. The worst situation is in Germany has become China's industrial park, rich and be remotely controlled with. This will be a very ugly way to survive. Thus, economic power must have the political power of side protection, in terms of Europe, Germany is the only option.


歐洲統合符合德國利益的另一個領域是安全策略。美國作家羅伯特卡根(Robert Kagan)在他的著作《權力與疲弱(Macht und Ohnmacht)》中所描述的世界是這樣的:美國像是戰神火星,具有攻擊性的高度防禦軍備。歐洲就像是愛神金星維納斯,溫柔與和平。

for a comfortable warm and very pleasant Venus, of course. However, Venus is the reason why the Kagan thesis at ease, it is because Mars will always wake up in the emergency drinking Venus, which is also well aware of that thing. Military in the world with absolute importance, whether you like it or not. Who want to dominate or influence the world order, we must have the ability to send troops to battle.


Overall, only a narrow national position for consideration have been unrealistic. World moving closer and closer to, any financial crisis and the need to prevent global climate catastrophe a large number of co-operation. In addition, the new combination of population migration, to maintain the inherent inertia of thinking is problematic. Even Germany is impossible to maintain the status quo intact.



"European mainstream culture" sounds much better. Because it covers the entire "Western" concept: from the Greek democracy, the root system of the Codex in Rome, the Renaissance began to spread from Italy to the sun as the center of the world, the Department of the Prussian astronomer Copernicus back to Poland (Nikolaus Kopernikus), the Enlightenment, mainly in France but in Britain and Germany are also fully reflected the thinking of the great unity of the workers first originated in France and Germany, and environmentally friendly political environment comes from the Federal Republic of Germany, particularly in the "benevolence" as the basis concept, is said to originated in Asia, in fact, to accept the early European influence of the spirit of benevolence.

All in all, only after many terrible struggle and war, a wonderful continent was able to achieve mainstream culture, it means democracy, the rule of law, reason, love, tolerance and solidarity. All of this can also serve as the mainstream of German culture, but to "the European mainstream culture" Xianxing more convincing and more attractive. "Europe" to the immigration is absolutely attractive. Expect to live here, and licensed people, are deeply believe he might be here a lot of space and opportunities.


to go this route very difficult. Europe can not produce a fascinating situation. Brussels bureaucracy is too strong, the EU's policy does not have sufficient democratic legitimacy, the state and government leaders to follow a single dispute over the national interest, now the euro is also under threat. Germany should unite to ensure growth of the European Union to move forward to become a fully legitimate democratic institutions.

This may take a long time, but we must keep in mind it is the only objective. Because Barbara is a beautiful home in Europe, with a fascinating history, with stunning stunning integration task of the moment. As a passionate German National People's Congress can claim that they are Europeans. Even though it will not immediately become a popular trend, politicians should show courage, the advantages of European rhetoric. Best female Prime Minister immediately began personally to Brussels from June 2012 began to move towards a milestone. ◆


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