wandering days in Lhasa
did not lose the mainland's Communist Party Lhasa museum
museum can see it?
they are always under the party rules
comment on the history of history never
only "mainland" is not "world"
conscience of the world there are too many people
telling the historical knowledge to restore history.
unless the continent finally
conquer the world!
really have that day - Congratulations!
finally "history" can not remember
2010年9月16日《時代周報 Die Zeit》作者:Wolfgang Zank
標題:入侵西藏「有禮的搶劫」(Deutsche Version)
field commander of the command issued a key figure of Deng Xiaoping No, indeed, was the successor of Mao Zedong, when he was a member of Southwest China's political and military. The use of violence is best to exercise restraint. Most Tibetans because he hopes to win the support of the new regime. Invasion of Tibet in the Declaration of commitment: "to ensure religious freedom, respect local customs and the protection of monasteries and temples." Before the soldiers went to Tibet Tibetan religion, culture and language courses. They continually being poured into thinking: "do not take people to speak with the locals stitch 。[...] kind words."
between Beijing and Lhasa, the direct negotiations do not exist. But the Tibetan people learned from the radio, no later than 1950, China wants to "liberate" Tibet. September 16, a four executive Shakabpa by Tibet (Shakabpa Wangchuk Deden) led the delegation, met in New Delhi, Ambassador of New China Yuan (Yuan Yuan transliteration Chung-hsien). Shakabpa trying to get the newly appointed men's understanding of Beijing, to liberate Tibet from imperialist unnecessary, because there is no imperialism in Tibet color. Yuan heard this back to say that this made him really happy, but there is no room for negotiation there are three: 1. Tibet should be considered as part of China, 2. Perform defense duties for Tibet, China, 3. There will be any relationship between the Republic of China with a foreign agent. Yuan explained that if the Tibetans do not accept these three points, the war can not be avoided.
Shakabpa no longer have any illusions. Foreign diplomats and politicians, he parties with the negotiations, many asked whether the Keyihuode outside help Tibet. India's attitude is particularly important. Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru (Jawaharlal Nehru) said to him, Tibetans should be negotiated. But if insist on independence, may be "hard to reach an agreement." Tibet was obviously very upset Nehru of India recently proclaimed Tibetan national territorial sovereignty, and he does not want relations with China become enemies. Shakabpa his final recommendations to the government in Lhasa, to adopt a flexible means of an emergency. But the monks and the secular ruling elite and not to make any decision. September 28 Shakabpa was summoned, he should try to deal with China. It's just a ridiculous and helpless instructions.
October 7th People's Liberation Army crossed the Yangtze three invasion. Tibetan army was not prepared for the weak, can only make sporadic resistance. , The local governor Ngapoi (Ngabö Ngawang Jigme) requires the Lhasa Government to give directions. But he did not get a response. Picnic senior officials are not allowed to be bothered.
Ngapoi decided to withdraw from Qamdo Province (Tschamdo). But, as in Tibet, the British broadcasting industry expert Robert Ford service observation that: 『Lhasa into a panic. Everyone is fleeing, they try to bring all the things they can carry. 』. Tibet's army was very informal: no 『Tibetan army withdrawal plan. Soldiers were sent to the front, they are all on a joint and several sub-areas. Women and the baby, accompanied by soldiers into battle, but with half the belongings stacked in the yak or mule back. We see tents, pots and pans, carpets, butter containers, clothing and baggage, also see the back of the baby in the mother behind. Spectacular sight. 』
the end of sovereignty over Tibet not far. Since 1913, after the collapse of the Manchu empire, Tibet has maintained an independent country in fact: one in India in 1914, Simla (Simla) meeting, from China, Tibet and British diplomats common draw boundaries. Although this convention be respected, but China has never formally approved. Moreover, no country in the diplomatic recognition of sovereignty over Tibet, only the United Kingdom to retain an office in Lhasa. Tibetans did not make much more efforts. Around the world's highest mountain is surrounded by very few in this country contacts with the outside world. Stranger was never allowed to enter.
three hundred years, the "yellow hat school" of Tibetan Buddhism to rule the country, the internal power struggle in 1642, with the Mongolian Gushi sweating soldiers put down. Tibet at that time (1617-1682) is the leader of Lobsang Gyatso (Ngawang Lobsang Gyatsho), the Fifth World Dalai Lama, he was recognized as the reincarnation of Buddhist deity Guan Yin Bodhisattva. He entered into the basic rule of Lamaism chapter rules, and began construction of building the Potala Palace, Lhasa, is that huge palace, which is and remains the vast scale of shock.
Tibet's major monasteries like a miniature cities
a symbol of feudalism and the Potala Palace, Dalai Lama is Tibet's spiritual and secular leaders. The "Kashag (Kashag)" Leadership is the management of state affairs cabinet - made up of three secular nobles and a temple officials. No country such as the Tibetan monastic system to the 20th century have been the dominant position. Even here in five ○'s temple is located up to 2700, 120 000 Buddhist monks line, equal to 20% of the men specializes in servers Buddha. Most of the boys by their parents to the temple. If they escape being beaten and sent home. Means that a monk has a safe life and enhance opportunities for social status.
the requirements of the temple staff very humble conditions. People not interested in learning Buddhism, the temple will be assigned tasks or self-meditation all day long. Most minor crimes to be tolerated. Serious crimes such as murder or sexual relations with women must leave the monastery.
in the three great monasteries near Lhasa, Drepung, Sera and Ganden monasteries are each like a small city. Drepung monk in 1951 with the million, seven thousand Sera and Ganden, and about five thousand. Ten to fifteen percent of which is "fighting monks", these young people are learning to use batons to regular exercise. The national nutrition provided by the serfs and herdsmen. Drepung control alone from 185 sources at three hundred million farmers and 16,000 of barley planted area with pastoral herders. In addition to a small farmers plowing their own fields. A similar system of large estates widespread secular elite, including some 150至200個家庭。據中國官方估計,寺院和貴族的商品來自當時62%的土地。
1933年十三世達賴喇嘛土登嘉措(Thupten Gyatso)已經過世。他的轉世靈童兩年後被發現。這個過程的來龍去脈今世的達賴喇嘛解釋說:『棺材裏的土登嘉措呈現奇蹟,死者頭部突然奇妙地轉向東北方向。不久後攝政人隨後在一個神聖的湖泊水域竟然看到了一個字,接著出現寺院和農舍的圖像。他非常確定這意味著東北地區的安多(Amdo)。他們派遣僧侶前往尋找,終於找到了塔爾寺(Kumbum Kloster) corresponding predictions. Farmhouse not far away. To the farmhouse they met the reincarnation of the little boy. February 1940 they solemnly swear in the Potala Palace became the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso came to the throne. When he was only four years old.
Seven years later, in August 1947, the British granted India (and Pakistan), sovereign and independent. Joint British representative in Lhasa, has also been recalled. The building will be handed over to the Government of India.
With the withdrawal of the United Kingdom, the only major power to support Tibet's sudden disappearance. At the same time the Communist Party in 1924, Mongolia has been conquered, and continue to win in the Chinese civil war in the record. All changes to the leader of Tibet, ominous feel: 『』 』era Thirteenth World Dalai Lama wrote in his will inside,『 will be five changes, especially the red ideology. Reincarnation in Mongolia looking for the Function of Zhebuzundanba (Jetsun Dampa) the action is prohibited, the temple property was confiscated, lamas and monks were forced into the army. Buddhism is already destroyed, the recognition of Buddhism did not leave any trace of [...]. The system in the future of Tibet, from either internal or external will form a force. 』
the advent of the threat in a sense created an innovative way. Tibet's small army began to expand and modernize, and gradually lost 『』 Robert signs of the Middle Ages Ford described. He also received the first connection to the Chinese border from Lhasa to Qamdo orders radio stations. Even government agencies are undertaking modernization. Trade mission to the world, and also explore the possibility of the United Nations membership. Radio Lhasa in January 1950 and started operation in Lhasa to issue a half-hour in English, Chinese and Tibetan broadcasts. Air links to India to be permanent operation. General Electric Company with the United States in negotiations to build a hydroelectric power plant and electrical equipment supply.
1950 年 10 months, the Chinese invasion of the military operation began, the three major monasteries called Regent's Dazha abbot and senior officials attended the meeting. Will make a decision no one wants to bear fruit. This 次会议决议 required in order to ask the national turtle bone clear. This means that the monks were trying in a very short period of time, the sacred ceremony held to get the oracle instructions. Record of the ceremony, another monk is often given unintelligible voice. Turtle bone called the first round tells: 『If omniscient, but not the Great Sage nothing religious and political system in Tibet take responsibility, which will benefit [...] Tibet and all living beings. 』Turtle bones tells a second similar information. 『Omniscient Master - fifteen-year-old Dalai Lama had absolute power of the monarch.
hold the hands of Tibet is the only trump card: If unable to reach an agreement with Beijing, Dalai Lama in exile, it will be a sign of the signal around the world: 『so-called" reunification of the motherland, "but it is a violence 』. For security reasons, Dalai Lama and his entourage to a December Bhutan and Sikkim in the Tibetan border town of Yadong County (Dromo) temporarily.
併吞的企圖:達賴喇嘛(左邊第二位)和班禪喇嘛1954年來到北京,右邊是周恩來總理 |
However, the Chinese insist negotiations on behalf of the full lineup. Even the exiled Tibetan Panchen Lama, another senior official must also cooperate with the Communists, by the renewal of his power. In addition, the agreement proposed by the fifteenth point of a "military and administrative committee." Tibetan representatives Lhawatura question, the Chinese delegation Li Weihan (transliteration: Li Weihan) explained: 『this committee on all important political and military decision』. Lhawatura noted that the CPC promised to contradict each other, not only said: "The political system in Tibet and the Dalai Lama to ensure that the power to be respected." Lee then pulled the mask Lazhangliaolian: 『fragmentation than a fist with the Communist Party? If you do not agree to help yourself. You can choose peace or by force the liberation of Tibet. 』
May 23 under the agreement signed on behalf of Tibet. Including the identification of immediate effect after the signing of the declaration. Ngapoi and other Tibetan representatives were not authorized to sign such an agreement, but they have no other choice. China immediately after the conclusion of the contract to the world to promote advocacy. The Dalai Lama in Yadong County and his entourage was shocked, but agreed. Dalai Lama returned to the Potala Palace, October 26, 1951 People's Liberation Army entered Lhasa.
now, the Communist Party there any concerns or taboo: they re-allocation of the entire piece of land of Tibet. And the establishment of communes since 1966. All participants of the Tibetan uprising in action all but disappeared in the Gulag prison in China. The late sixties the "Cultural Revolution" period, with the words of Tibetans simply "shaking" of the. Red Guards destroyed temples, "reactionaries" face tortured or killed. But also led to the CCP's own factions, thousands of people died in factional fighting. About waning violence in 1970, no monks in Tibet, and all who are dedicated to put up statues of Mao Zedong as the location.
1976年這位獨裁者歸西,鄧小平被提拔成中國領導人。開始幾年他嘗試給予西藏較爲寬鬆的制度。和尚佛事重新開始被允許,在一些地區靠著捐贈和獨自經營維護,很快成立了比以前更多的寺廟。爲了混合藏人和中國人,共產黨 - As all over China - into the market economy and transportation construction. However, it is re-created Chinese into Tibet Tibet tensions. Recent riots in the spring of 2008 that is considerable more violent repression.
Since that time, Beijing was filled with some sort of helpless atmosphere. Maybe we should suggest that the Chinese Communist Party to learn Engels (Friedrich Engels) reflection. . "One Nation", the "Communist Manifesto" who in 1847 co-writing, wrote: "never be the same time continue to oppress other countries for their own country to create a true freedom. Eine Nation kann nicht frei werden und fortfahren, andere Nationen zu unterdrücken. "