outlined in his presentation and explained Prof. Dr. Karam Khella the "knowledge pyramid".
What is it about this pyramid ?
Well, it all starts with the (study or school) trade - or the professionalism, or department: One wants to study mechanical engineering, psychology and the other in turn, another biology and the other agriculture - from the large number of subjects , about a million, are taught today, to learn in a professional a subject-knowledge can. we go out of approximately one million subjects, the question arises whether there are one million methods? No, there is no one million methods ; they are limited in comparison to the over 1 million subjects to a small number ; even manageable because you can use either method for different Science (Impirie ,...). "in psychology, sociology, history ... and the" experiment "in physics, chemistry In view the fact that the expertise by the deeper level (the "methodology") is mediated - should not there be puzzled and ask: "What, and that's it?"
" No, I am not responsible ," says the doctor to sociologists and historians to turn the sociologist - and yes, that makes me suspicious.
Is this sentence ("No, I'm not responsible!"), The expression of alienation - if you're so fixed on one subject area and therefore allow discussion of other issues can not / will? reason is the "Only-specialization" Based on the "fragmentation" of knowledge; because the broad spectrum of sciences missing , connects all the and therefore the view of the total (not more) possible! "People no longer see the connection: the work of his, the whole" and that has (hopefully) not a system but is more random?
So where is the specialist knowledge actually : Only from the level the " methodology, or even from a deeper level (the science + theory) - and that's it (? ) Yes, but! What would be a knowledge economy theory: without knowledge (the epistemology)?
And you know (yet) the "micro- and macrocosm " - dine level, from which we obtain our knowledge? Are we in the streets of our city, we gain knowledge. We leave the city limits and visit another, we are gaining new insights. we moving across national borders, allows us (for example, come in which we learn about country and people in contact with another culture, etc.) of the visit to another country will rely on further, even completely different insights. But they (the micro-and macrocosm level) is not the last level: über ihr regiert die Anschauung, wie wir die Welt + Gesellschaft sehen ( bewerten , beurteilen, ...) und welches Bild wir über unsere Mitmenschen haben : ein menschenverachtendes oder ein liebevolles, wohlgesonnenes? Menschenbild.
Und wenn Sie jetzt der Meinung sind, Sie wüßten schon alles, bleiben Sie überrascht , welches die allerletzte -die tiefste- die übergeordneteste Ebene von allen ist :
"link? "knowledge society vs. Society of the (undigested) information, context knowledge as contextual knowledge rather than instrumental knowledge "?
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Dürr , internationally renowned nuclear physicist and winner of the Alternative Nobel Prize in 1987, spoke on 28 May 2002 in the Great Lecture Hall of the Institute of . Engineering Mechanics (Technical University Clausthal), as part of the seminar on dialogue between science and theology His topic : "We do more than we realize - Scientific knowledge and experience of reality" link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIJx45NLE58
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