Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Why Do My Knees Hurt From The Elliptical Trainer?

makeover need your help! A crazy weekend

Hallöchen my friends,

I need a change, but I do not know what suits me best. Please help me. No 1,2,3 or 4?

ICCH tend to be like number 3, but let me also like to change his mind.
Grüessli and bisou
your Reeger

Monday, October 11, 2010

What Are The Stages Of Bean Germination

Hallöchen my friends,

Well, you know me? During my blog absence I've seen a tremendous amount. Take my last weekend as an example:

Friday (last day of the Kunsti before the holidays):
We painted the last time with acrylic paint, after three weeks, I'm happy to do again what else:) At 17:00 I drove like a maniac from the Kunsti home (Rekord!! 8 min .!!), was there I arranged to meet my love to my 17.15. We bought quickly a small gifts for our three-WG friends , and drove off towards WG in Dietikon. Dead tired, we had a wonderful wonderful evening (two have given up and I love Bela kept awake late into the night). And I have long ceased seen such a great set up WG. There simply does not fit together, just have to be this:)

Yes, I was really tired:)

cook together ♥

was allowed after a few hours sleep I get up at 08:00 clock back Saturday to stroll with my Firmgotti dead tired by the Lucerne Lane. I am almost died, you can believe me! The subsequent private lesson with my sweet elementary students, which made for Alice in Wonderland always "Kaminchen" instead of "rabbit" read the whole no better. And whether you believe or not, to this madness day, I went with the now well-known Chantal at the Lucerne Määs. Incidentally, this was the third time from a total of four.

first Time Määs

third Time Määs

4th Time Määs (favorite photo: the guy you'd think I would want to photograph;))

Soon I log back more to speak, but as you can see the time is a lot going on!
also that my diary entries do not like very much, may rejoice, I will do my best and come back soon to show you some outfits.

Bisou, your Reeger

PS: about 5 months since my form did not work Spring! Have not thought of mentioning it here, sorry my friends! I hope it works again now, but is simply a test question;)